Why Choose System X®
A breakthrough in paint protection, System X® provides previously unachievable levels of slickness, gloss, durability, and chemical resistance.
Slickest ceramic coating
Lifetime warranty
Permanent protection
Package consists of 2 layers of System X Diamond SS™ applied on top of the aircraft's paint, providing long term protection for up to 10 years.
Diamond Super Slick™ over all paintwork
Diamond Super Slick™ on badges, emblems, trim
Xtreme Super Slick™ on landing gear and leading edges
Glass™ on the windshield/windscreen
Interior™ protection of leather, vinyl, fabric, and carpet
Package consists of System X Max G+™ applied on top of the vehicle’s paint, providing permanent protection with a lifetime warranty.
Max G+™ over all paintwork
Max G+™ on badges, emblems, trim
Wheel™ on wheels
Glass™ on the windshield/windscreen
Interior™ protection of leather, vinyl, fabric, and carpet
Package consists of 2 layers of System X Max™ applied on top of the vessel's paint, providing long term protection for over a year.
2 Layers of Max™ 9H ceramic on gel coat surfaces
2 Layers of Max™ 9H on badges, emblems, trim
1 Layer of Glass™ on windshield/windscreen
Interior™ protection of leather, vinyl, fabric, and carpet